Save water, picture that
Join us and share with us all your ideas and creativity. It's easy and the rules are simple. And the best thing of all everyone is invited. That's right, all K-12 students within Toho's service area. Check out the details below.

Everything you need to know
Expand AllEvery year the Florida Section of the American Water Works Association (FSAWWA) works with local water utilities to host a Drop Savers Water Conservation Calendar Contest. Students in grades K-12 are encouraged to create a poster depicting a water conservation idea, in slogan form, drawing form, or both. The contest allows students to promote water awareness and the importance of water conservation in their daily routines.
- 8 ½" x 11" white drawing paper to make the poster. Use a portrait or landscape format.
- Use crayons, color pencils, paint, markers, photography or computer graphics. Just make sure it all fits on the 8 ½" x 11" white drawing paper and have the letters and message large enough to be read easily. (Highlighters do not work well.)
- Entry form must be completely filled out and taped to the back of each poster.
- Students must work on artwork individually.
- Artwork must portray a water conservation idea in a slogan, drawing, or both. To help, please see the tips and ideas section on this page.
- Please do not incorporate copyrighted material such as logos, characters or names in your posters. Also any computer graphics and photos must be the student's own work. Otherwise, we won't be able to enter them.
- Student's name should NOT appear on the front of the artwork but only on the entry form.
- Remember to attach the completed entry form to the back of the poster with transparent tape.
- Submissions grant Toho Water Authority the right to use artwork for other promotional purposes without further permission or compensation.
Toho employees will select winning artwork for each grade division to be submitted to the FSAWWA’s statewide calendar contest. Artwork is selected based on creativity and originality, not just artistic abilities.
Grade divisions for the contest are as follows:
- Division One: Kindergarten – First grade
- Division Two: Second – Third grades
- Division Three: Fourth – Fifth grades
- Division Four: Sixth – Eighth grades
- Division Five: Ninth – Twelfth grades
For Toho’s calender, twelve to fourteen pieces of artwork will also be selected. Each student selected will receive a prize and be recognized at one of Toho’s Board meetings. Besides appearing in the calendar, the grand winner’s school will receive $500 in art supplies. The school with the most entries will receive $250 in art supplies.
Entries must be submitted to Toho Water Authority (951 Martin Luther King Blvd., Kissimmee, FL 34741) by the second Friday in February. You may also email a high resolution image to calendarcontest@tohowater.com. Arrangements can be made for posters to be picked up from participating schools.
These helpful conservation tips & ideas might inspire your award winning piece of artwork!
- Take five minute showers
- Turn the faucet off while you brush your teeth
- Only fill the bathtub with as much as you need
- Repair any leaking faucets, toilets and showerheads
- Install a low-flow showerhead or toilet
- Don't use the toilet as a trash can
- Never put oil or grease down the sink
- Try to run your dishwasher and washer with full loads
- Fill your sink with water for rinsing if you are washing dishes by hand
- Avoid running the tap for cold water. Keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator instead.
- Use a broom to clean driveways, sidewalks and patios instead of a hose
- Turn off the hose when washing the car, or attach a nozzle to it, or go to a car wash
- If you have a swimming pool, use a pool cover
- Check your automatic irrigation system for leaks
- Plant native or drought-tolerant plants and trees
- Do not water your lawn between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
- Make sure your sprinkler system is not watering the sidewalks, driveways or the street
- Create a water saver super hero along with a message or tip
- If you were President for a day, what laws would you pass to conserve and keep water clean?
- What would you do in your home or neighborhood to save water?
- How would you tell others to save water?
- What would life look like without water?
Email us at calendarcontest@tohowater.com