Our Water Source

Underneath Osceola County lies one of the largest pristine reservoirs of fresh groundwater in the country, the Floridian Aquifer. Water from this aquifer is of consistently high quality and is used as the source of potable water for the Toho Water Authority water system.The aquifer is recharged by rainfall on the Lake Wales Ridge (US 27) in Osceola, Polk and Lake Counties that is filtered through hundreds of feet of sand and rock in a natural cleansing process. Because of its high quality, the water we use needs little or no treatment other than aeration to remove hydrogen sulfide (odor) and is chlorinated for disinfection. Fluoridation is also implemented to help promote dental health

2023 Annual Water Quality Reports​​​Informes sobre​​​​​ la calidad del agua 2023
Central Report​Informe Central
Eastern Report Informe Este
Southern Report ​Informe Sur
St. Cloud ReportInforme St. Cloud
​Western Report​Informe Oeste​

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