Ways To Pay
Toho was four easy ways for customers to pay their utility bill. Hint: Creating an online payment account and using it to pay your bill avoids any additional fees.

Pay Your Bill
Use our online payment portal to pay your bill. The one-time payment option does incur additional fees. Create an account to avoid these extra fees. You can also schedule payments and set up autopay.

Payment assistance
Life happens and unexpectedly you find yourself in some financial difficulty. We’re here to help. Toho has two programs help you on our Payment Assistance page. Request a payment extension or apply for financial assistance through our TAP program.

Get eBills
Trees and Mother Nature will love you for this. Opt in to get eBills on your online payment account.

Bill Questions
If you have a question about your bill, please use our bill question form. Our customer service team will follow up with you via email within two business days.