Taste and smell
You may notice a stronger chlorine taste and smell in your drinking water. The taste and odor are not a health risk. Chlorine levels continue to meet safety standards. By its nature, free chlorine presents a stronger taste and odor than chloramines. To reduce the chlorine taste and smell, run the faucet with cold water for two minutes. Run it for five to ten minutes when water has not been used for several hours. You can also refrigerate cold tap water in an open pitcher. Within a few hours, the chlorine taste and odor will disappear.
Do I need to take any precautions during the temporary switch?
Any disinfectant used by water treatment facilities needs to be removed or neutralized from the water for use in dialysis machines or aquariums.
- Care must be taken to remove all traces of free chlorine from water used in dialysis machines. Contact your physician or kidney dialysis center for information and proper procedures.
- To condition tap water for use in aquariums, fish owners should use products recommended for neutralizing free chlorine. Contact your pet store for the appropriate water treatment.
- Customers with water softening systems should consult the manufacturer for measures to take, if any.
Any updates are posted to this page. If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Service at 407-944-5000 or email