Next builder meeting
Builder meetings will occur the first Tuesday of every other month.
Next meeting will be Tuesday, February 4, from 2:30 p.m - 3:30 p.m. via Teams.
Join online
- Meeting Link
- Meeting ID: 220 447 561 621
- Passcode: xyo5Gp
Join by phone
- +1 872-256-3959
- Meeting ID: 622004615#

Reimbursement Prioritization Table
Toho has committed 4 million dollars to the program for FY 23. View the latest reimbursement prioritization table for Poinciana utility line extension.

CIAC Common Questions
Expand All“CIAC” is an acronym that stands for “Contribution in Aid of Construction”, which is a term used in the public utility sector to describe money or other property received from any person or entity by a public utility to provide for the expansion, improvement, or replacement of the utility’s water, sewer, or reclaimed water facilities.
Toho Water Authority (Toho) has implemented a program that facilitates the extension of utility lines to provide public water and sewer services to platted residential lots in the Toho service area.
Connecting more properties within the Toho service area to public water and sewer utilities supports Toho’s mission to provide reliable, cost-effective and responsive water services to our customers while protecting public health and the environment.
For Toho to recover its costs, the program requires a property owner who connects to Toho’s public utilities to pay CIAC fees.
Toho’s CIAC Policy was only recently approved by Toho’s Board last year, and we want to make sure property owners know about this policy and what will be required when the property connects to Toho’s water and/or sewer utility service.
There are over 2,000 platted lots without water and/or sewer service in Poinciana. There are numerous requests coming in for these service connections.
Separate CIAC fees are established for water and wastewater utility lines based on estimated design and construction costs of the extension of water and wastewater collection systems. The CIAC fees are adjusted from time-to-time based on actual costs.
See Fee Summary below. It is important to note that CIAC fees are separate and additional to Toho’s existing System Development Charges (SDCs), meter and connection fees, and administrative fees. All of these fees are due for water and sewer utility connection. System Development Charge (SDC) values assume single family home 4 bedrooms and less SDCs and connection fees are currently under review and may change before next application round.
Constructor owned lot
- 3/4" Meter Water SDC - $3,293
- Water Meter - $500
- Admin Water - $488
- 3/4" Water Meter Sewer SDC - $4,151
- Sewer Connection - $150
- Admin Sewer - $488
- Agreement Recording - $122.75
Non-constructor owned lot
- Water CIAC - $8387.27
- 3/4" Meter Water SDC - $3,293
- Water Meter - $500
- Admin Water - $453.89
- Sewer CIAC - $10,177.54
- 3/4" Water Meter Sewer SDC - $4,151
- Sewer Connection - $150
- Admin Sewer - $453.89
- Agreement Recording $122.75
The property owner must pay the CIAC fee when the owner connects water and/or wastewater utility service from Toho.
On a case by case basis, and subject to availability of funds, Toho may enter into agreements to extend payment (by accepting installation payments with interest) of fees for owners that (1) occupy existing homes, (2) use a potable water well and/or septic system, and (3) connects to the Toho system.
Payment plans are not currently available for owners that do not meet these criteria.
When Toho determines that a CIAC fee is not timely paid, Toho may proceed to collect the CIAC fee through Toho’s payment default and lien process. Payment default may result in suspension of service and additional charges.
An owner may submit an appeal request to waive the property CIAC fees as long as the owner is able to demonstrate the following:
- Has a building permit dated prior to the start date of CIAC Program (4/14/21)
- Has a Utility Availability Letter dated prior to the start date of CIAC Program (4/14/21)
- The project does NOT require a main extension to serve the requested parcel address
Please use our CIAC Appeal Application form.
Toho flags builder-led utility extension projects with signed agreements on this page alongside the prioritization updates. We also have an interactive map that shows the projects that are underway.
If you have any questions please reach out to the program team:
- Email:
- Phone: 407-483-3854 – Please leave a message and our team will follow up with you by the following business day.
Appeal Form and Contact Us
An owner may submit an appeal request to waive the property CIAC fees. Please see Appeals Process section in the Common Questions for qualifications.
If you have any questions please reach out to the program team.